Monday, January 9, 2012

Tales of a Museum Guard part 1

Having found myself in Fort Worth, Texas in 1990, I set out to find a part time gig to supplement my day job. Every Saturday and Sunday for the next two years, I found myself in another world, that of the museum guard. The people I met and the art that I saw, along with the inside story of what goes on in a museum is exactly what I will share in this series. 

After a short interview and on-the-spot job offer as a weekend guard to watch the galleries and keep people from touching the art, I was given a short tour of the museum -- the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas. One key instruction that I was keen to remember was when I was shown where the break room was. That room, which resembled a kitchenette with a breakfast table, was very close to an office and restroom, just six feet away. The advice given to me was that the office was for the Director of the Museum, and so was the restroom. Employees were not to use that restroom; it was reserved just for the Director. "Interesting", I thought to myself, "that little thing called 'social stratification' that I learned about in school really does exist".  Stay tuned...

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